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2 site(s) favori(s) avec le tag "apple"  Rss suivre un tag donné


46 clic(s)


Apple designs and creates iPod and iTunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary iPhone.
TAG(S): apple - steve jobs -
Par yasm | Envoyer à un Ami(e) | Enregistrer
3 membres - 06/10/2011 15:56 - 46 Clics - Détail

14 clic(s)

Steve Jobs, Apple Co-Founder, Is Dead - WSJ.com

Steven p. jobs, the apple co-founder who pioneered the personal computer industry and changed the way people think about technology, died wednesday.
TAG(S): apple - steven jobs -
Par yasm | Envoyer à un Ami(e) | Enregistrer
1 membre - 06/10/2011 15:53 - 14 Clics - Détail

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